During the week we actually have to pay for our lunch, una hermana de la iglesia makes it for us (but it is a little expensive). Saturday, o sea P-day, we normally eat in the food court of the mall (American food normally), ...
From what I've heard, it was more like an 8.3 in bSantiago/b. I think in my case, I also had an incorrect idea of what "a big one" felt like. The last serious earthquake I was in was Loma Prieta in 1989 in California. b..../b Curicó has suffered lots of building collapses, including the bIglesia/b San Francisco, the oldest church in Chile, but as far as we know family is all ok. The photos from Valparaíso that they're showing on the news show more water and collapsed buildings. ...
Se pueden presentar tres cuadros: eructos, flatulencia o distensión o hinchazón de la tripa. Así lo describió ayer el doctor Julio bIglesias/b, especialista de Aparato Digestivo del hospital Clínico bde Santiago/b en la conferencia del III Ciclo Salud ... La conferencia, que tuvo lugar en el salón de actos del bhotel/b Meliá Araguaney, fue moderada por el doctor Manuel Barreiro, coordinador del ciclo, organizado por la Fundación para la Investigación en Enfermedades del Aparato ...